Thursday, August 16, 2012

Click here to visit ProBlogger.

At, you won't have to worry about running into any work from home scams because we've already filtered all of them out of our search results. Nonetheless, it's always good to know how to spot one of these scams.
So, if you're using any other job site to find work from home jobs, here's how you detect a scam:
  1. They ask you to send them money before you can start working.No real employer would ever ask you to send in money before you can work for them. Never fall for this one! Real employers pay you to work, not the other way around. NOTE: Home business opportunities are different. With these, you're paying someone to teach you how to run your own home business.
  2. They guarantee that you get rich quick.The only job I know of that guarantees you'll get rich quick is being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company where your sign-on bonus is $50,000. Other than that, every job requires hard work and ingenuity to make a lot of money, even home based businesses. There are no free rides in this life, don't fall for the hype.
  3. They don't have a physical address or phone number you can reach them at.Real companies will ALWAYS have a physical address and phone number. You may not be able to reach the hiring manager, but you should be able to reach the receptionist and verify that the company is a real business entity.
  4. They will not provide you with references of people already working for them.If it was a real job, a real work opportunity, they would have at least one person you could call or email to verify what the job entails. If they don't provide references, run the other way.
And please don't fall for the old "get rich stuffing envelopes" or "make serious cash assembling craft kits". Those are all work at home scams!
But as I said at the beginning of this page, we have removed all of these scams from our job listings, so you don't have to worry about running into one when you use our site.

How to Get Affordable Health Insurance Working From Home

Affordable health insurance can be hard to find if you work for yourself. Many businesses that have a specific number of employees are offered a discount for insurance, and this is why they are able to offer it to employees at such a discounted rate. The best bet for freelancers is to use independent agents or check online for deals. You have to decide which type of plan you will need, and the deals you get will be based on your age, the age of your family members and the family’s health history as well as your budget.
COBRACOBRA insurance may be a wise investment if you are just leaving a job and starting your own home business. The last employer is required to offer your previous health, dental and life or vision insurance that you had while employed there for anywhere from 9 months to 3 years. The COBRA cost will be the same amount that your employer was paying for the group rate. 
High Risk PoolsHigh risk pools for health insurance are sometimes offered in many states. These are normally less expensive than private plans and are a great idea for those working from home who cannot obtain insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition or another high risk medical problem. The Health Insurance Resource Center is available for more information about these high risk state health insurance pools.
Planning AheadIf you are still at a conventional job and you know you are going to start your own business, it is always best to plan ahead. Some insurance providers will take up to 3 months and sometimes longer to approve new members, so it is best to get started as soon as possible. Some people wait 3-5 months to find out that they have been denied coverage, and last minute have to try to find coverage elsewhere or have no insurance. Since insurance is so high, not letting coverage lapse is the best bet to keep costs down and to have no gaps in coverage. Insurance may seem like an unnecessary expense, but if a child or spouse were to require hospitalization while there was no coverage, you would see how very much it could save you. 
Click here to visit ProBlogger. Union and AssociationsA freelancer union or even a writer’s union as well as independent contractor associations are available to help people who work from home be able to get insurance. There may even be insurance options available through the union or association. For example, the National Writers Union offers many options for insurance for its members. The National Association for the Self Employed offers free estimates on insurance, and if you are a published author you can actually get a discounted insurance rate from the Author’s Guild. Check on the internet for your specific niche, and see if there are any associations or unions available for the job you will have at home.
Regardless of your work at home business, affordable health insurance is available. It is a matter of simply knowing where to look and who to talk to.

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